Monday, August 27, 2012

Colt's Andrew Luck vs Redskin's Roberth Griffin III

There has been some debate on which player will see more success this year. So I thought Im going to go ahead and throw my 2cents into the debate.Andrew Luck was a great QB in college, everyone knows that. Robert Griffin III also did great things in college.

With the Colts picking up Luck with the first pick of the NFL Draft, you knew Manning was headed out the door, and that Luck was going to hopefully be the Colts new franchise player. Does he have what it takes to succeed in the NFL? Honestly speaking, I like Andrew Luck, he seems like an everyday guy, with a good head on his shoulders and a great work ethic.... BUT, I beleive he is at or very close to being as good as he can get. Also he doesnt have a core group of "great" talent around him in Indianapolis to help him acheive his highest level. Of course he will win games, of course he will mount a comeback or two, but reaching the highest pinnacle? While I do think it is possible, it probobly will never happen.

PREDICTION: Will see moderate success in the NFL, along the lines of a Tony Romo type of career. If the Colts can get a stronger and faster WR, and a great slot wide out, along with a top tier TE, he can make a strong run for a championship and a Peyton Manning type career.

Robert Griffing III... This kid just continues to amaze everyone. He still has room to grow, and his full potential has yet to be unlocked. But, being stuck with the Redskins, and their poor management and player choices are going to limit his ability to unleash what this kid can do. Although he does have a somewhat stronger corps of players around him, he wont be limited by what he can do, but what those around him can do. I can see this kid having more success then Andrew Luck, but with the way the Redskins draft and recruit from free agency, it will be limited. Until the Redskins can do whats right, he will see just a bit more success then Luck.

PREDICTION: Will see moderate success in the NFL, has championship potential, but will he let the succes go to his head? Will either have a Michael Vick type of career or if Griffin III and the Redskins play their cards right, its possible to have another more mobile and strong Eli Manning in their midst.

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