Monday, September 10, 2012

The rise and fall of Andrew Leaf (errr I mean Luck)

As I sat and watched the Colts play the Bears, I thought "What a great game, Luck is a smart QB and wont make those typical mistakes.". Well, I was wrong a few minutes into the game. Leaf (err, I mean Luck) Was misreading routes, throwing into tight coverage, not protecting the ball, and playing like he was a deer caught in headlights.

This brought me back to 1998. The Colts took Manning as the first pick in the draft, and the Chargers took Ryan Leaf. One shined, and the other commited highway robbery. Ryan Leaf took a $31 million dollar contract (with an $11 million dollar guaranteed signing bonus) which made him the highest signing ever at that time. 4 years later he announced his retirement. While Manning on the other hand has grown to become one of the greatest quartbacks to ever play the game.

This got me to thinking... "What if the football gods are now paying the Colts back for sticking the Chargers and the NFL with Ryan Leaf"?.

Instead of the Colts choosing Robert Griffin III, they sided with Leaf, errr, I mean Luck. It was like magic watching Robert GriffinIII make reads, change the play at the line, and pick apart the Saints defense. He made smart decisions and wasnt rattled, unlike Leaf (damn, I did it again... I mean Luck).

Do I think Luck will be a bust or shine in the NFL? I cant positivally say "Yay" or "Nay" just yet. Maybe he had jitters because it was his first ever regular season NFL game? Or maybe he is just prone to making bad decisions on the NFL level, as he did throw a few picks in pre-season? Maybe he isnt used to the speed that all the players move in the NFL and he just needs time to groom into his rythm?

All these things were said about Leaf... But Leaf was stubborn and a selfish player. It seems Luck is a lot more mature, and really wants to play. So, time will tell....But, how long will the fans wait? RGBIII fans got a treat the very first day.

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